Welcome to Dr. Emily's online courses & workshops!


Once a month, Dr. Emily hosts live workshops for parents via Zoom (with a replay) on topics related to raising neurodivergent kids and teens. Those who attend live get to join the Q&A discussion with Dr. Emily at the end of the workshop. You can enroll in just one workshop ($37) or you can become an all-access member on Substack ($275/yr) to receive all the blogs, all the workshops, and Dr. Emily's parent course.

Become an all-access member here.


Parenting On Your Own Path online course was created for parents whose child is newly-diagnosed and you're not sure how to shift your mindset towards this new parenting journey. I understand how overwhelming it can feel to learn that your child needs something different to succeed. Here's what you need to know to get started being the adult your child needs in their life.


The Neurodiverse Classroom™ online course was created for dedicated elementary teachers just like you who are passionate about educating students of all needs, but who need up-to-date training in order to understand and connect with their students. You also need a community of like-minded teachers to bounce ideas off of while cheering each other on.

Meet Dr. Emily

I’m here to help you be the best adult you can be for the neurodivergent kids you are raising and teaching. My professional and personal life have led me to share my knowledge and passion with you as you help children grow up in a world that was not built for them.

Here is my story!

I’ve spent the last 20 years working with neurodivergent children and teens along with their families and teachers in schools and private practice.

Children I have worked with over the years have taught me so much, and so have their parents and teachers. Yet, I have another teacher. My son has taught me everything I didn’t learn in graduate school.

I’ve sat on both sides of the IEP table first as a school psychologist and then as a parent. I know the feeling of thinking you are out of ideas to support your child or nurture your students. This feeling inspired my blog and my passion for helping parents and educators collaborate so that all students succeed is my life’s work.

We have to keep sharing our ideas. What works for one child may or may not work for another. Our kids are complex. Our families are complex. Classrooms are complex. There is so much information out there, but we are ultimately the decision-makers of the next best step in a child’s journey.

Together, we will find the balance between pushing a child to learn new skills and creating the space that keeps them happy and regulated, all the while remaining tuned in to our own mental wellness so that we can be the adult our neurodivergent kids needs us to be.