back to school

Parent Workshop

Conquering Back-to-School Anxiety

Even though it’s the peak of summer, I know many of you are already feeling the swirling in your gut that accompanies the upcoming school year. 

In my work with parents, and in my own personal experience, a parent’s anxiety about back-to-school is highest at the transition of Kindergarten, 6th grade (middle school), and 9th grade (high school). And advocating for a neurodivergent child adds another level of complexity.

As parents, we are wired to anticipate dangers and shield our children from harm. But, we have to be careful not to enable them out of an opportunity for growth at the same time. This week’s workshop will help you find a balance.

Who is this workshop for?

Parents raising neurodivergent children who are wanting to best support their child through the transition of the upcoming school year. 

You may want to maintain progress or prevent a repeat of unhelpful circumstances from last year. You may be anticipating your child’s anxiety about school while also experiencing your own anxiety. 

This is completely expected, but kids can feel our anxiety, so we want to get in front of this with a balanced approach of preparation and relationship building prior to the first day of school.

In this workshop you will learn how to:

  • Effectively communicate with administrators prior to the school year beginning with discussing the best teacher fit
  • Prepare your autistic or anxious Kindergartener, 6th grader, or 9th grader for a new schedule, new school building, and new people
  • Introduce your child’s strengths and needs for support to their new teacher in a way that sets everyone up for success
  • Prevent school refusal and how to respond if and when it happens
  • Know when you’re child is in a honeymoon phase or after-school burnout and what can be learned in these moments

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