
May 3, 2024

Parent Workshop

Executive Functioning Strategies for Neurodivergent Kids & Teens

We’re almost to the finish line of the traditional calendar school year in the northern hemisphere, but managing time isn’t just for getting homework done. We manage time during daily routines, when we transition from one activity to the next, and when we are trying to complete a project, either for work or for fun. 

As parents raising neurodivergent kids and teens who often struggle to feel time, manage time, and transition between activities independently, supporting our kids’ executive functioning is paramount. Figuring out what systems work to support our kids’ attention and motivation will help them understand what works and how to advocate for themselves as they mature. 

In this workshop you will learn:

  • What exactly is executive functioning and how does it related to autism, ADHD, and anxiety
  • How motivation is related to executive functioning and strategies for increasing your child’s motivation
  • Strategies for supporting your child’s independence In daily routines and self-care
  • Strategies for supporting your child’s homework independence and self-advocacy with teachers
  • Strategies for setting up your home with visuals to increase your child’s independence and reduce anxiety for everyone

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